
Time and the elements had taken their toll on the statue, which was in a sorry state and badly in need of repair: the bronze wass corroded in several places; the bridle and scabbard broken; and the original granite plinth cracked.

A dedicated team, involving the Douglas Haig Fellowship and others, based in the UK and France, has volunteered to manage the restoration project; expert professional restorers have been selected; all necessary authorisations have been obtained from the French Heritage authorities; administrative approvals has been granted by the local elected officials; and a programme of works defined.

The team successfully raised over 40,000 to cover the cost of restoringthe statue.

It was intended that work would commence on the statue in the year 2021, which was also the Centenary Year of the founding of the Royal British Legion of which Haig was the first President. However, because of COVID-related delays, work was delayed until the spring of 2022, and completed ahead of the unveiling at a public ceremony involving both British, French and other European dignitaries during the weekend of 18th-19th June 2022.

The total cost of restoring and repairing the statue and plinth is broken down as follows:

Metal work : Restoration €14,398 Repair €11,644

Stonework €5,168
Scaffolding €8,277
Base €1,932
Total (rounded):  €41,420

The following photos show the external damage to the structure.